The Hope Tree


Upcoming Event!

Summer 2024 Programme - From 10am - 3pm:

If you require transport for Godington House or Leeds Castle, please let us know!

  • July 25th - 10am Start
    • Arts & Crafts
    • Baking
    • Keep Fit Workshop
    • 2 course lunch, hot

  • July 26th - 10am Start
    • Arts & Crafts
    • Outdoor Play
    • Keep Fit Workshop
    • 2 course lunch, hot

  • August 1st
    • Day at the Beach, Sunny Sands Folkestone meet at Ashford international at 10.30
    • Pack your own lunch!

  • August 2nd
    • Godinton House tour and picnic (time to be confirmed) 12-24 people maximum
    • Picnic lunch provided

  • August 14th - 10 am Start
    • Meet at Harpers Café Victoria Park
    • Arts & Crafts
    • Nature Trial
    • mini- Olympics
    • Lunch provided

  • August 15th - 10 am Start
    • Godinton House tour and picnic (time to be confirmed) 12-24 people maximum
    • Arts & Crafts
    • Baking
    • Bouncy Castle
    • Workshop
    • Outside Play
    • Barbeque Lunch

  • August 29th
    • Cinema (Venue TBA)

  • August 30th - Meeting Spot TBA
    • Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Transport still to be confirmed.
    • Bring own Lunch
    • Further Instructions
      • Please pay a £6 deposit to secure your place
      • If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible
      • NatWest Bank (The Hope Tree Counselling & Consultancy Service ltd.)
        Sort code: 60 01 21
        Account no: 53869214

8 Years of the Hope Tree!

On the 29 th of April 2023 the Hope Tree Celebrated eight years of Providing support to Families in Ashford. In the afternoon we arranged a session at Repton Community Centre, attended by lots of local families. Activities included arts and crafts, song recording, toys and games. Lunch was included. We finished off with a fabulous children's entertainer Chris John performing magic, mayhem and team games.

In the evening, we held a presentation at the Elwick Club to showcase what The Hope Tree has accomplished over the last 8 years and to thank all the people who have been involved during that time. Families and their children also talked about the impact the Hope tree has had on them over the years as they have taken part in the many activities.

Huge thanks must go to Maureen Gordon the Director for her tireless enthusiasm and dedication in making this all possible.

Summer 2021

The Hope Tree ran a six-day programme during July and August 2021 with a team of volunteers
Over the six days we had a variety of events which were well attended

37 children and 19 parents took part in our activities this year!

Here is what we got up to!

  • Pottery Sessions
  • Environment workshop by Jenny Bailey on the importance of bees in saving our planet.
  • A trip to the beach
  • Catered Barbecue
  • Arts and Crafts

Below is some of the feedback we've gathered from parents about the event!

  • We had a lovely time, both made new friends. It was great to spend time together as Mum and daughter but also good to have a little break whilst she played with friends.
  • Amazing what you all do for families thank you.
  • Very happy children and people, please next time the same
  • Very happy with the day children have had a wonderful time.

And we can't forget about the children too!

  • Exciting!
  • Very fun
  • Awesome
  • Very good, amazing

Counselling 2021

Our counselling support continues, and we have seen an increase in requests for support for children with increased anxieties due to the pandemic. Supporting children and young people online and in seven schools during the school term September 2020- July 2021. The Hope tree is looking to expand this service with a new counsellor coming onboard soon.

News 2021

Maureen Gordon the Director of the Hope Tree was a recent finalist in the International Wintrade Global award event for Women entrepreneurs under the category for the United Nation sustainable developmental goals. This highlights the work with supporting families in the community and in different countries over the years. Although she did not win the main prize, she received a certificate to recognise her achievement

Summer 2020

Funding from Collyer Fergusson, Ashford Borough Council and Kent Community Foundation (KCF) enabled us to continue supporting families during the pandemic. We were able to run a three-day Activity programme in August 2020 (photos on website) Followed by online sessions from October half term, where we provided the resources, all well received from families who were running out of ideas of what to do with their children during the months of lockdown

2020 Summer Update

We continued to provide a counselling support service to the local schools and to families until March 2020. However, support continued online after this.

Stepping Out In Confidence: Webinar

Imagine this! You had a pretty secure job, all was going well, then COVID-19 hits and overnight – you lose that job, security and confidence - what happens next? Maybe you believe now is the time for change and you need the confidence to embrace that change. Then Stepping Out In Confidence is for you.

Click HERE for more details.

December Online Activity Day 2020

For the holiday season hosted more Online Activity Days!

These days took place on the 5th, 12th, 19th, 21st & 22nd of December.

October Online Activity Day Pilot 2020

In these unusual times, we've had to move our activity days online for the first time.

Over three days we've had guided baking, arts & crafts, and exercise! Thank you for all of your photos you have sent us of everything you have made and your kind words. The pictures will be up soon as we update the website!

"I was so impressed by the fun and games you organised for R I have had a look at the hope tree website. It's such a fantastic service."

AM - Parent

"Thank you for these past few days of activities and story telling. We have really enjoyed them and it’s been great having the supplies and ingredients pre prepared for each day which takes stress out of organising family activities."

MG - Parent, and SG - Child

"I would 100% recommend you to a friend and I already have spoken about the Services to several family members and how amazed I am by what you have done for us all."

GR - Parent

We hope to see you again in December!

August Activity Days!

The Hope Tree was able to run our Parent & Child Activity Days sessions during August on the 20th, 21st, and 24th! This year we were at Singleton Village Hall with plenty of activities, workshops, and a wonderful performance from Miki who taught us some circus skills and wowed us with some magic!

A fantastic event! I look forward to hearing about more 100% recommend.

CB - Parent

We had so much fun, and we learnt sign language for the 1st time today. We would come again.

EE - Parent

C - I enjoyed the hula hooping and spinning plates. B - Great place and I liked juggling and hula hooping

CB & BB - Siblings

Thank you to everyone who came to our Activity Days, and we hope to see you again soon for the next one!

Official Launch

On Saturday the 4th of April 2015 The Hope Tree was officially launched at the Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford Kent. The event had over 100 people in attendance including children. Various activities were laid on for the children including an Easter egg hunt. There was entertainment from a live band, dance performances and a soloist sax player.

The Hope Tree director, Maureen Gordon, outlined the vision of the Hope Tree and its future goals and aspirations for the community of Ashford and beyond. We also had feedback from some parents who reported, the positive impact that attending some of the Hope Tree parenting forum had already had on their families.